by Greg Ortale President and CEO Greater Houston Convention and Visitors Bureau In the afterglow of the CEIR Predict Conference which took place in New York City a couple of weeks ago, one notable event occurred that merits highlighted commentary. The current chairman of SISO (Society of Independent Show Organizers), David Audrain, CEM announced a […]
by Douglas Ducate, CEM, CMP President and CEO CEIR The third edition of the CEIR Predict conference saw more than 150 industry executives spend a day at the Waldorf Astoria Hotel in New York City focusing on the outlook for the exhibition industry over the next three years. Discussions were held among some of the […]
by Cathy Breden, CAE, CMP CEIR Executive Director The results are in, and it is clear that capturing the content to engage audiences is highly valued by B2B and B2C producers, as well as corporate event marketers (CPMs). In fact, according to the recently-released CEIR Digital Playbook study, 19.5 percent of B2B and B2C organizers, and […]
by Doug Ducate, CEM, CMP President and CEO CEIR The M&A activity in the media space where exhibitions live has been very active recently signaling renewed faith in the long-term viability of the industry. The Nielsen Events acquisition just shy of $1 billion obviously leads the pack. During the last 20 years, the exhibition industry has […]
by Cathy Breden, CAE, CMP, CEIR Executive Director With just six weeks to go until the annual CEIR Predict Conference, on the 12 September at the Waldorf Astoria in New York City, the Program Committee and panels are busy holding conference calls to discuss session content and the key points to focus on during each session. […]