Why I am looking forward to going to Expo! Expo!

Why I am looking forward to going to Expo! Expo!

by Warwick H. Davies, Principal, The Event Mechanic!

This Expo! Expo! will be my fifth time going(which is odd considering I feel like I have been going since I started in the business), and I am looking forward to Houston not only for the warmer weather.

One thing I can always count on is experiencing something new in addition to making new connections. I hear from CEIR staff that registrations will be north of the 2000 attendees, so it’s a big opportunity see old friends and build new business relationships. I understand that 250+ exhibitors will participate in an Expo which is now multiple days to allow attendees to better plan their visit to Houston.

Here are some of this year’s features:

  • The Activation Lab, which offers participants the chance to collaborate on event design using creative, funky ideas that can potentially add excitement to the events. Along the same line, the Education Jumpstart Session with Biz Bash President Richard Aaron will offer breakthrough ideas and trends for event design that attendees can put to use immediately in 2014.
  •  This year’s On the Floor FlyBy Sessions will address immediate ways of improving your events with five-minute, infomercial-style quick encounters covering a wide variety of industry topics. Designed for small, on-the-go groups, these sessions will allow attendees to get answers to their pressing questions quickly. Topics will range from advice about professional training programs to a Town Hall with the CEO featuring IAEE president and CEO David DuBois.
  • The Executive Encounter will help executives explore how to prepare for what’s new, how to recruit and retain employees, and how to deal with an ever-changing economic environment.
  • The VUCA Leadership Lounge will provide a forum for industry leaders of all levels to discuss emerging ideas in strategic leadership and help those in leadership positions grow as professionals. VUCA is a military acronym to describe volatility, uncertainty, complexity and ambiguity in a variety of situations.
  • There will be a number of IAEE Chapter Receptions on Tuesday evening (December 9) at the Convention Center on Level 3 Rooms 325-340. Don’t pass up the chance to meet colleagues from your and other parts of the country!
  • This year’s Expo! Expo! Mobile App, powered by FollowMe and created by Core-Apps LLC, is now available to download at the App Store or Android Market on your phone (search for IAEE Expo! Expo!).
  • Key attributes include:
    • The Dashboard keeps you organized with up-to-the-minute info
    • About This Show keeps all show information in one place
    • The Program of Events and Educational Sessions Tab allows the easy additions of events to your app schedule
    • Alerts allow you to receive important real-time communications
    • The Built-in Twitter feed to follow and join in on the show chatter
    • Rate the Sessions Tab allows rating the speakers
    • The Quick List allows the selecting of  favorite exhibitors and the plotting route from booth to booth

For details on the above please visit: www.myexpoexpo.com

Of course, this note wouldn’t be complete without recommending you to attend my session:

Having Problems Attracting Power Buyers to Your Event? Building Marketing Performance Programs with Target Personas – which I will present on Tuesday December 11th at 8.00AM at the Convention Center.

I’ll be going into the core reasons why events lose key buyers and how to reverse the trend.

More information is here:


With so much to do, you won’t be bored, so hat’s off to IAEE and CEIR for creating another compelling event.  Look forward to seeing you there!


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