by Nancy Drapeau, PRC, Senior Research Director, CEIR Ok, I’m putting my stake in the ground, I’m saying it: face-to-face marketing is alive and well. CEIR research does not find cracks in the power of face-to-face marketing. If anything, the rise of digital has offered tremendous opportunity for face-to-face marketing settings, trade shows in particular, […]
By Jennifer Rivera, CEIR Blog Manager In the exhibition industry face-to-face interaction is very important; it’s what makes the industry go round. Many articles are taking a closer look at the future of the industry through research on the different generations. Millennials are said to be a generation that could potentially exclude themselves from face-to-face […]
By Nancy Drapeau, PRC, CEIR Research Director In today’s frenetic, fast-paced world, where business professionals are time-starved, forced to do more with less and the demands placed on their time keep piling up like a mountain under threat of an avalanche, business-to-business, brand marketers struggle to get the precious, in-person face time with their prospects and existing […]
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by Cathy Breden, CAE, CMP CEIR Executive Director In this crazy business we call face-to-face marketing, the planning leading up to an exhibition keeps us always looking ahead. We juggle a myriad of details making sure the show goes on without a misstep, or at least making it look that way for our attendees and exhibitors. […]
by Nancy Drapeau, PRC Research Director In What Attendees Want from Trade Exhibitions, CEIR found that one of the biggest categories of needs attendees bring to an exhibition is a variety of shopping needs. Two top-ranked shopping objectives include the perennial desire to see and experience what is new and to interact with products. And […]