By Nancy Drapeau, PRC Research Director, CEIR In a report released recently by CEIR, Exhibitor Ancillary On-site Marketing Practices, marketing activities exhibitors engage while on-premise at an exhibition are evaluated. It identifies the most popular activities and takes another important step, asking exhibitors to identify how effective each activity is in helping them achieve their […]
by Jennifer Rivera Content Manager CEIR New methods of communication to potential attendees offer a variety of options when trying to attract them. But which options are best to use, when considering the demographics and segmentation variables that influence potential attendee communication preferences? The Attracting Attendees report can help! It provides insight into attendees’ preferences […]
by Jennifer Rivera Content Manager, IAEE Understanding the profile of frequent exhibitors can be very helpful to organizers in helping position their sales and marketing efforts to reach and resonate with organizations that use the exhibition channel extensively today and who plan to increase participation in the near-term future. The Profile of Frequent Exhibitors report […]
by Doug Ducate, CEM, CMP President and CEO CEIR The M&A activity in the media space where exhibitions live has been very active recently signaling renewed faith in the long-term viability of the industry. The Nielsen Events acquisition just shy of $1 billion obviously leads the pack. During the last 20 years, the exhibition industry has […]
by David Audrain, CEM President & CEO Clarion Events North America, Inc One of the hardest responsibilities we have in the exhibition business is predicting the future. We constantly have to foresee where our shows will be often years ahead, and that requires economic and market-driven information. The CEIR Predict conference is a one-day, […]
This post written by Doug Ducate, CEM, CMP President and CEO CEIR As major exhibitions grow and prosper and generate more and more revenue, it is only natural for organizers to find new ways to spend money. Often these include improving the temporary environment of the convention center and the quality of life of the […]
By Vicki Hennin, Vice President of Strategic Marketing and Business Intelligence, Diversified Business Communications It was with great interest that I read CEIR’s recent report Attracting Attendees and was intrigued to see some findings that reflect the experience we have had at Diversified Business Communications, as well as some key insights that brought up interesting […]
Blog Post Written by Barry Siskind The recent CEIR report entitled Exhibition Staff Practices focuses on an issue that I have been dealing with for the thirty years I have been in the exhibition business – Exhibit training. The first finding in the report unveils a difference between attendee preferences of the booth staff they would like […]