by Bob James A telling statistic lies deep within CEIR’s new report, Cost to Attract Attendees. It could in part explain why association-owned shows have recently seen a falloff in attendance, exhibits and income. Association organizers, according to the new report, have cut their marketing spend during the past four years. Associations now spend 20% less on attendee […]
by Michael Hart You had to figure it was going to end sooner or later: After 25 consecutive quarters, tradeshow industry performance experienced a decline at the end of 2016, according to the most recent CEIR quarterly report. The year-over-year decline was a modest 0.4 percent in the fourth quarter of 2016. The decline in […]
by Robert Hughes Whose show is it, anyway!? After twelve months and hundreds of exhibitor interviews, one of the many findings that I found surprising is that exhibitors really do not understand who owns the show they exhibit in. There is a significant disconnect about who owns and puts on the tradeshow that the exhibitor […]
by Jo-Anne Kelleway Matchmaker, matchmaker, Make me a match, Find me a find, Catch me a catch. Matchmaker, matchmaker Look through your book, And make me a perfect match. Fiddler on the Roof Fiddler on the Roof is a 1964 musical set in the Pale of Settlement of Imperial Russia in 1905, where the parents of three daughters approach a matchmaker to […]
By Jim Curry In a study for one organizer, I listed 57 broad business objectives that exhibitions could deliver for their exhibitor clients. Fifty-seven. I used it as an example of the wonderful wealth of opportunities that exist for exhibitors looking to max out their performance in the exhibition hall. It’s the sort of thing we […]
by Michael Hart Hard to believe now, but three years ago the cutting-edge technology that vendors were pitching at IAEE’s Expo! Expo! was the mobile app. This year it was an Internet of Things phenomenon that could potentially have a real-world impact on the events industry: wearables–more specifically, beacons. I know, I know. Beacons on […]
by Steve Parker There is a push right now for event organizers to livestream their meetings to virtual audiences. The reason: those organizers see a windfall. How can you profit from livestreaming? Here are my personal tips: Charge the Same Registration Fee. The best way to be successful at livestreaming is to maximize the revenue opportunity by charging the same […]
by Trisha Richards Few would dispute the golden rule of marketing is know your audience. With millennials becoming the largest generation in the North American workforce last year, insightful meeting professionals are emphasizing the destination experience and social impact of their planned activities to boost attendance and contentment at events. Millennials often crave cultural adventures, […]
by Gary Shapiro Remember life before time shifting–when you had to sit down at your TV to watch Seinfeld at 9 PM on Wednesdays or you’d miss it? Innovations such as the DVR, camcorder and HDTV have radically changed our lives. And each of these technological wonders is among the estimated 700,000 new products that […]