Top 10 CEIR Blog Posts of 2020

Who made it on the Top 10 blog post list for CEIR? Read to find out who had the most popular posts.

What can be learned about 2020? We never imagined the devastation that COVID-19 would have on the B2B exhibitions industry in the U.S. and internationally. At CEIR, we have been tracking the impact of COVID-19 on our industry and while the data shows the negative impact our industry is facing, we are hopeful that face-to-face exhibitions will return again (fingers crossed for the later end of 2021).

A positive that has come out of 2020 is that our industry has relied one another more than ever. Industry colleagues and peers have provided thought-leadership in a time of uncertainty and worry for the future. The CEIR team has listed out the top 10 blog posts based on the number of views.

1. The Exhibition Industry’s New Normal by Doug Ducate, CEM, CMP

When I was asked to share my views on the future of the exhibition business after COVID-19, I questioned why me? I do not have a crystal ball that lets me see into the future. The response was: “What you do have is a wealth of information about the industry and many years of experience that include good times and bad. That makes your opinion more valuable than those that lack that experience.” And it is true that I have experienced a lot since I produced my first event … the Society of Petroleum Engineers (SPE) Annual Conference and Exhibition in Houston in September 1968. Read more…

2. COVID-19 Outlook: An Economist’s Perspective by Allen Shaw, Ph.D., Chief Economist for Global Economic Consulting Associates, Inc. and CEIR Economist

The Center for Exhibition Industry Research (CEIR) has been tracking and analyzing data since the exhibition industry began feeling the impact of COVID-19 in January. The data is as fluid as the situation’s progress. However, CEIR is able to provide answers to some of the questions that have been streaming into our offices, especially in terms of how we foresee the effect of COVID-19 impacting the U.S. business-to-business (B2B) exhibition industry in the coming months. Read more…

3. CEIR Insights on COVID-19 Impact on Exhibitions Industry by CEIR Staff

Key findings from a survey conducted by the Center for Exhibition Industry Research (CEIR) reveal that 2020 is not a complete loss for the business-to-business exhibitions industry if COVID-19 is brought under control. CNTV President, Carrie Ferenac had a one-on-one conversation with CEIR’s VP of Research, Nancy Drapeau, PRC, who shared crucial insights into the impact of COVID-19 and the road to recovery. Read more…

4. The U.S. Trade Show Industry ‘Positively’ Will Return Again by Rachel Wimberly, Tarsus Group US

Running a news organization that is focused on trade shows and corporate events, both of which have been stopped in their tracks since mid-March when COVID-19 firmly took hold in the United States, I view our main responsibility to not only report on what is happening in our industry, but also try to highlight as much of the ‘positive’ news as possible. Read more…

5. An Open Letter to the Events Industry by Don Neal, Founder and CEO, 360 Live Media

Now what? That is the question on the minds of the event industry at this moment. Where do we go from here? How do we evolve, survive and begin to see a path to prosperity?

Before we can truly answer the “Now What …?” question, we must first address the reality of where we are now.

There are five forces that each of us who work in the events industry must accept before we can begin to rebuild our businesses, our careers, and the events that make a difference in the lives of tens of millions of people who, until March 2020, attended live, in-person experiences that had an impact on their industries, businesses and professions. Read more….

6. Remember, Though the B2B Exhibitions Industry is Paused, It Is Resilient by Nancy Drapeau, PRC, VP of Research, CEIR

Some may say I write this out of a sense of hope rather than a sense of reality. Well, having been in the B2B exhibition industry since 1998 and having studied trends that have hit it over time, such as September 11, health tragedies such as SARS and Bird Flu, Hurricane Katrina, the economic collapse of 2008-2009 (Great Recession) to name a few; the data consistently documents a temporary hit on the industry and then a recovery. The most recent, dramatic hit was the Great Recession of 2008-2009. The chart below documents our industry recovered. In fact, in 2019 we were in a period of expansion before COVID-19 appeared in 2020. The nature of this terrible pandemic has its own characteristics that may force the economy to pause longer than anyone wants, but once this pandemic is over, we will recover. Read more…

7. Taking Inventory of Your B2B Exhibition’s Use of Digital by Nancy Drapeau, PRC, VP of Research, CEIR

B2B exhibitions are communities. They may be extensions of an association or they may be a community in their own right, run by an independent organizer. Those that attend and exhibit spend time and money to participate. This is a major commitment. So how can organizers leverage this connection, nurture it throughout the year, build on the community it is privileged to have and grow it via digital activities?

In this blog I do not point to specific solutions. Instead I offer general ideas for B2B exhibition organizer executives to discuss with their show teams and am sure many are doing this already. As well, I am supporting ideas with relevant CEIR data. Read more…

8. A New Spin on Audience Engagement by Kimberly Hardcastle-Geddes, CEM, Chief Marketing Strategist, mdg

Nowadays, however, our world is complex, uncertain, and physically distanced. Event organizers are looking for new ways to disseminate valuable content, keep their communities connected and deliver on their value propositions on a more regular-basis. As mdg is helping its clients develop and execute on more holistic content and communication strategies, I’ve been thinking more about the brands that have done a great job of capturing my head, heart and – in the case of Peloton – leg muscles. Read more….

9. Dealing with the Unexpected and What to Expect Next by Cathy Breden, CMP, CAE, CEM, CEO, CEIR

As organizers, we plan for the unknown and are able to pivot pretty quickly in most instances, but this crisis is one none of us could have been prepared to meet. We do know that new trends will emerge from this experience; we will never go back to the “normal” way of doing business. Our industry will need to adapt to a new normal, and what this means is yet to be known. Read more…

10. The Ninja Future of the Second Stage COVID-19 World by Gary Shapiro, President and CEO of the Consumer Technology Association (CTA)®

“Innovate or die!” That’s the simple but powerful mantra I use to present the philosophy behind ninja innovation. Ninja innovators work with – rather than against – disruptive industry trends to build stronger, more resilient and more efficient businesses. On an organizational level, it’s often easier to stick to business as usual than it is to take the risks that spark innovative change. But the coronavirus is a powerful enemy of business as usual. Now as we return to live events, we must innovate to survive. Read more…

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