Originally published in the CEIR Quarterly Newsletter
As we continue to advocate for the return of face-to-face events, we are also learning to navigate the world of digital interaction. That’s why the CEIR team is currently working on a Virtual Events Study, sponsored by Swapcard. This study includes research about what works, what doesn’t and what generates revenue. You won’t want to miss the findings being shared during Expo! Expo! IAEE’s Annual Meeting and Exhibition in Louisville, KY, December 8-10.
Speaking of research, I was inspired by the data presented during this year’s CEIR Predict Conference. John Gerzema from The Harris Poll explained that attendees are increasingly seeking “online content guides or ambassadors who are real people” in their digital event experiences. I had the pleasure of serving in that role by co-hosting Predict with CEIR CEO Cathy Breden, CMP, CAE, CEM at the CNTV digital studio (physically distanced, of course!). It felt like we were moving forward in this new reality.
During Predict, it was also announced that the CEIR board decided to freeze board positions for one year because of the times we are in and for continuity. I am excited to serve as the Chairperson through 2021. As your Chairperson, I will ensure that the importance of the B2B exhibitions industry continues to grow through the power of CEIR research and data.
Lastly, I would like to express my gratitude to the Orange County Convention Center (OCCC) for making this newsletter possible and recognizing the importance of CEIR’s work.
Take care and stay safe,
Carrie Ferenac
Convention News Television (CNTV)
2020 Chairperson of the Board, CEIR