A Few More Notes on the Millennial Invasion

A Few More Notes on the Millennial Invasion

By Mary Tucker
CEIR Blog Manager

Now, before any feelings get hurt, I’d like to note I am using the term “invasion” with a very tongue-in-cheek intent for what latest CEIR research calls “The Generational Workforce Shift.” As CEIR Research Director Nancy Drapeau pointed out in her July 11 post, The Millennials Are Coming! The Millennials Are Coming! Are you Ready?, today’s workforce is fairly evenly split between Millennials and, well, everyone else. The impact that this is having on how exhibition organizers plan their events is the major focus of CEIR’s upcoming report, Best Practices by Exhibition Organizers to Attract and Retain Young Professional Attendees, due out in just a few days.

One of the first issues addressed in the report is how exhibition organizers are approaching the young professional’s needs and preferences. Organizers are faced with the challenge of balancing young professionals’ concerns in the overall scheme of things, and results suggest that one size does not fit all.

Regardless of how much an event organizer involves the young professional quotient in the decision making process, the role that technology plays in marketing and communicating to young professionals is undisputed.

Whether your organization already heavily reaches out to young professionals or is just starting the process, it will want to take a look at Best Practices by Exhibition Organizers to Attract and Retain Young Professional Attendees for information about the marketing and communications tactics respondents have indicated that yield the best results. This report also includes 11 case studies volunteered by exhibition organizers showing the efforts they have made to attract young professional attendees and their corresponding results.

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