by Nancy Drapeau, PRC, Senior Research Director, CEIR Ok, I’m putting my stake in the ground, I’m saying it: face-to-face marketing is alive and well. CEIR research does not find cracks in the power of face-to-face marketing. If anything, the rise of digital has offered tremendous opportunity for face-to-face marketing settings, trade shows in particular, […]
By Nancy Drapeau, PRC, CEIR Research Director A recent AdAge article reported Walmart is the favorite retailer among Millennials, based on Infoscout data on purchase activity. This article quotes Walmart’s CMO Stephen Quinn admitting, “That kind of shocks a lot of people, including inside the company.” The value-driven shopping nature of Millennials is not a […]
By Nancy Drapeau, PRC, Research Director I know the title of this blog is a little tongue and cheek though I think the analogy holds, no pun intended. I used this analogy at a recent session at EXHIBITORFastTrak in Atlanta, it resonated with attendees and so I want to share it with you in this […]
By Nancy Drapeau, PRC, Director of Research I am looking forward to sharing trends with brand marketers who are attending EXHIBITOR FastTrak next week in Atlanta. This session offers an intense 1.5 hour discussion of current trends in the use of digital tactics in exhibit marketing programs. Along with sharing research insights, this session includes […]
By Nancy Drapeau, PRC, Research Director On any work day, a business-to-business exhibition is likely taking place somewhere in America. Events come in many shapes and sizes, from small, regional events to the largest in the world. The channel is a mirror image of the diversity of the U.S. economy. Exhibitions exist for farmers, medical […]
By Chris Brown, EVP Conventions & Business Operations National Association of Broadcasters Research is always full of the good, the bad, the ugly and the subject-to-interpretation. No doubt there is nothing that beats good data for making a case, but there always tends to be a few ways to look at things; and the […]
By Nancy Drapeau, PRC Research Director, CEIR In a report released recently by CEIR, Exhibitor Ancillary On-site Marketing Practices, marketing activities exhibitors engage while on-premise at an exhibition are evaluated. It identifies the most popular activities and takes another important step, asking exhibitors to identify how effective each activity is in helping them achieve their […]
[wpvideo SEadAZgu] To view the Face to Face report please click here.