By Nancy Drapeau, PRC, CEIR Research Director I look forward to attending and participating in EXHIBITORLIVE! next week. It is always a privilege to conduct sessions with the high caliber brand marketers who travel to this event. Next week’s lectures will focus on two important topic areas: Do You Have a Digital Playbook for Your […]
By Nancy Drapeau, PRC, Research Director I know the title of this blog is a little tongue and cheek though I think the analogy holds, no pun intended. I used this analogy at a recent session at EXHIBITORFastTrak in Atlanta, it resonated with attendees and so I want to share it with you in this […]
By Nancy Drapeau, PRC, CEIR Research Director For many exhibitors, a primary goal of exhibiting is to generate new leads, nurture existing ones and maintain relationships with customers to feed the sales pipeline. Business-to-business exhibitions enjoy the reputation of delivering high value in this area. According to CEIR research, 99 percent of surveyed exhibitors say […]
By Mary Tucker, CEIR Blog Manager PREDICT: CEIR’s Annual Exhibition Industry Outlook Conference continues the conversation of where the overall economy is headed and how that will affect the exhibition industry. Freeman, a title sponsor of Predict, offers further insight into this data on its blog about the event. Cautious optimism is growing as the […]
By Warwick Davies, Principal, The Event Mechanic! Who knew? While many assume that the younger generation has gone totally digital and social media focused, some new research suggests that you still need to include some traditional elements if you want your event to be successful. It seems that Millennials actually prefer some of the 20th […]
By Nancy Drapeau, PRC, Research Director Today, there are movements advocating the elimination of paper entirely from the business-to-business exhibition floor and those advocating the virtues of all things digital. Though when it comes to attendee preferences, what do they want? Well, research suggests that one size does NOT fit all. Providing paper only, post-email […]
This post written by Nancy Drapeau, PRC, Research Director For many exhibitions, the summer months are a time to retool and reflect on lessons learned from the last edition, and a moment to strategize for the next event cycle. Kimberly Hardcastle-Geddes, CEM,President of the Marketing Design Group and I will present a one-hour session which will examine the major trends in what […]
This post written by Nancy Drapeau, PRC Research Director CEIR has updated two studies in the past year furnishing current insights on what attendees want from exhibitions, what they value most about these events and how to market to them effectively. These studies affirm that a major driver for attending is an interest in keeping […]