Report Evaluates Sponsorship Sales Process
DALLAS, 25 November 2019 – Today, the Center for Exhibition Industry Research (CEIR) released the second in a five-part series providing a comprehensive overview of business-to-business (B2B) exhibition sponsorship practices in North America. The B2B Exhibition Sponsorship Playbook Series compiles organizer and exhibitor practices in a unique format, comparing organizer offerings and practices to those of exhibitors. It provides valuable industry benchmarks and insights on what is working to help organizers and exhibitors adjust programs to enhance their success.
“The second report in this series uncovers a perception gap relating to satisfaction with the sponsorship sales process,” said CEIR Vice President of Research Nancy Drapeau, PRC. “Though a majority, 53% of sponsorship buyers, are satisfied with their purchases, 40% are neutral. They cannot say if they are satisfied or not. By comparison, most organizers believe sponsorship buyers are satisfied, 73%.”
“Work is needed to close this perception gap,” added CEIR CEO Cathy Breden, CMP, CAE, CEM. “This report provides insights on what organizers can do to move more sponsors to the satisfied column. It is worth the effort to maximize satisfaction with the sales process as it is tied to a higher likelihood of buying sponsorships in the future.”
Part Two: Sponsorship Sales Process – Customer Satisfaction, Package or A La Carte? Self-Serve or Staff-Assisted? offers organizers and exhibitors an inventory of how sponsorships are sold and purchased. It also pinpoints areas of opportunity to help boost sponsorship buyer satisfaction.
Part Two reports on the following:
- Rate of sales/purchases via packages and a la carte
- Sponsorship collateral approaches
- Rate sponsorship options are limited to one B2B exhibition or across organizer products
- Timing of sales compared to purchases
- Whether sold/purchased via exhibition staff support
- In-depth look at self-serve selling and buying
- Perceived attentiveness of sponsorship sales staff when purchase is done via exhibition staff assistance
- Satisfaction with sales process and recommendations on where to focus to boost the satisfaction rate
- Link between satisfaction and likelihood-to-buy sponsorships in next two years
In addition to overall results, key differences by organizer and exhibitor demographics are also reported. Part Two is the second in a five-part series to publish over the course of the next several months. All reports in the series include:
- Part One: What Organizers Offer Compared to What Exhibitors Buy
- Part Two: Sponsorship Sales Process – Customer Satisfaction, Package or A La Carte? Self-Serve or Staff-Assisted?
- Part Three: Evaluating the Outcome of Sponsorship Sales and Purchases
- Part Four: Future Outlook for Sponsorship Sales and Purchases
- Part Five: Who Are Non-Buyers and What May Prompt Them to Buy?
About CEIR
The Center for Exhibition Industry Research (CEIR) serves to advance the growth, awareness and value of exhibitions and other face-to-face marketing events by producing and delivering knowledge-based research tools that enable stakeholder organizations to enhance their ability to meet current and emerging customer needs, improve their business performance and strengthen their competitive position. For additional information, visit
Media Inquiries:
Mary Tucker
Sr. PR/Communications Manager
+1 (972) 687-9226