CEIR Quick Reference Guide Identifies Attendee Preferences by Industry Sector


2015.01.21 CEIR AC41.15 Quick Guide on Attendee Preferences by Industry Sector CoverDALLAS, 21 January, 2015 – Today, the Center for Exhibition Industry Research (CEIR) announced the release of its Quick Guide on Attendee Preferences by Industry Sector, a useful tool for planning marketing strategies to targeted attendees.

This five-page report provides a visual presentation of key findings from the What Attendees Want from Trade Exhibitions study series. It enables the reader to quickly identify the shared and unique preferences of attendees in the 14 industry sectors tracked in the CEIR Index. It is an invaluable resource for business-to-business exhibition teams, providing pertinent data to the executive team and those serving in the functions of marketing and education programming. Six tables provide a snapshot of:

  1. Most important sources relied upon when selecting an exhibition to attend
  2. Overall reasons for attending
  3. Specific shopping reasons for attending
  4. Specific learning reasons for attending
  5. Extent of pre-event preparation activity
  6. Floor interaction preferences

“Time is a scarce commodity for today’s exhibition executives,” said CEIR President and CEO Brian Casey, CEM. “Reliable information is essential to making the right choices to market effectively and deliver the right content to target attendees. This report provides a quick and effective way of understanding the needs and preferences of professionals by industry sector.”

Online survey results are based on a study conducted by CEIR using a panel of exhibition attendees provided by ResearchNow and made possible through contributions to the CEIR Foundation. The sample consists of 421 respondents from 14 industry sectors.

Click here to download the report.

The upcoming CEIR PREDICT Conference on 16-17 September 2015 in Chicago complements the report as it focuses on findings from the yearly CEIR Index covering, among other things, current trends and performance of the exhibition industry on four key metrics, including number of attendees overall and by sector. Visit www.ceir.org/predict/ for registration and conference information.

About CEIR

CEIR serves to advance the growth, awareness and value of exhibitions and other face-to-face marketing events by producing and delivering knowledge-based research tools that enable stakeholder organizations to enhance their ability to meet current and emerging customer needs, improve their business performance and strengthen their competitive position. For additional information, visit www.ceir.org.


Media Inquiries:
Mary Tucker
+1(972) 687-9226