CEIR Publishes Fourth Report in Series Focusing on Attendee Floor Engagement Tactics

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The Center for Exhibition Industry Research (CEIR) announced today the release of Part Four: Exhibitor In-booth Tactics – Looking to the Future – Areas to Improve and Interest in New Models, the fourth report in its newest series on attendee floor engagement.

This report documents that most exhibitors are engaged and committed to using the business-to-business (B2B) exhibition channel and intend to invest in improvements to augment the positive outcomes for exhibiting. Over three quarters have plans to ramp up their exhibit program and many exhibitors are reaching out to organizers to help them maximize their attendee engagement efforts.

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In addition to enhancing their exhibit programs, exhibitors express interest in considering new models, floor layouts or other options, if made available by exhibition organizers; while a third are content with the trade show model as it is. Options generating the most interest include in-person, face-to-face engagement options, thus signaling the essential importance of retaining in-person attendee engagement.

“This particular report affirms the health of the B2B exhibition channel,” said CEIR CEO Cathy Breden, CMP, CAE. “Exhibitors are clearly committed to continuous quality improvement and evolving their exhibit programs to align with how attendees are looking to engage with them at events. Exhibitors and organizers would both benefit from reading this report.”

This 12-page report provides a full list of the range of additions and improvements exhibitors are considering adding to their exhibit program with a goal of enhancing their attendee engagement efforts. It also quantifies the percentage of exhibitors open to new models, floor layouts and other options made available by exhibition organizers in the next several years and reports on level of interest in each option.

In addition to total results, this report identifies unique differences by exhibitor by industry sector, the extent of exhibition activity and other key demographics.

Click here to download Part Four: Exhibitor In-booth Tactics – Looking to the Future – Areas to Improve and Interest in New Models.

About the 2017 CEIR Attendee Floor Engagement Study
Reports from this landmark study series offer exhibitors and organizers a comprehensive resource to help understand the range of attendee engagement tactics used on the exhibition floor and, more importantly, which of these tactics attendees use most – a signal of high engagement. Commentary from exhibitors is also provided illustrating how key trends are put into action.

The 2017 Attendee Floor Engagement Study consists of the following reports:

About CEIR
CEIR serves to advance the growth, awareness and value of exhibitions and other face-to-face marketing events by producing and delivering knowledge-based research tools that enable stakeholder organizations to enhance their ability to meet current and emerging customer needs, improve their business performance and strengthen their competitive position. For additional information, visit www.ceir.org.


Media Inquiries:
Mary Tucker
+1(972) 687-9226