Aujourd'hui, le Centre de recherche sur l'industrie des expositions (CEIR) released the final reports in its series, Maximiser l’engagement des participants et des exposants sur le lieu de l’exposition.
Part Seven: Exhibition Learning Activities Outside Exhibit Booths benchmarks the education learning activities provided by organizers in common areas on exhibition floors and examines the rate at which exhibitors have sponsored these offerings over the past two years. Most importantly, it identifies which of these product opportunities have seen high attendee engagement.
Part Eight: How Organizers Evaluate Outcomes and Future Outlook outlines how organizers evaluate the outcomes of attendee and exhibitor engagement activities. It details their plans to enhance future offerings, new models and floor layouts under consideration, and provides insights on how they search for new ideas.
“I’m thrilled to announce that our comprehensive portfolio of insights on maximizing attendee and exhibitor engagement on the exhibition floor is now available. These invaluable resources are essential for both organizers and exhibitors as they prepare for their 2025 events,” said CEIR Vice President of Research Nancy Drapeau, IPC. “Part Seven highlights the best learning activities in common areas to enhance exhibition floor engagement, while Part Eight offers organizers insights on how to make their events the best they can be moving forward. We encourage all event stakeholders to review the entire eight-part series to gain a thorough understanding of how to optimize attendee engagement, which is the cornerstone of any B2B exhibition.”
Les rapports de la série Maximizing Attendee and Exhibitor Engagement on the Exhibition Floor sont disponibles gratuitement pour les abonnés du CEIR et les membres de l'IAEE, et coûtent $49 USD pour les non-membres.
Cliquez sur ici to download or purchase Parts Seven and Eight and learn more about other reports in the series.
À propos du CEIR
Le Centre de recherche sur l'industrie des expositions (CEIR) sert à faire progresser la croissance, la notoriété et la valeur des expositions et autres événements marketing en face à face en produisant et en fournissant des outils de recherche basés sur les connaissances qui permettent aux organisations parties prenantes d'améliorer leur capacité à répondre aux besoins actuels et besoins émergents des clients, améliorer leurs performances commerciales et renforcer leur position concurrentielle. Pour plus d'informations, visitez
Demandes des médias:
Marie Tucker
Gestionnaire principal des communications et du contenu | CEIR
+1 (972) 687-9226